Today's reading

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. –Psalm 62:1 NIV

July 15, 2023

A Privilege, Not a Task

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. –Psalm 62:1 NIV

Do we view our time with God, whether in prayer or Bible study, as a task or a privilege? It may be easy, given our busy schedules, to look at the time we spend talking to the Lord as more of a task.

Some of us wake up, read our devotional, study scripture, say our prayers, and then simply cross these activities off our to-do lists. We reason, “Ok, I was a good Christian today; I read my Bible. Check…” While this mentality is definitely better than not talking to God at all, we each need to adjust our mindset, viewing this time as a privilege.

We have a direct path of communication to the living God! He not only knows our names, He knows the number of hairs on our heads! He cares about and loves each of us! We can find great rest and comfort in these truths.

Quiet time with our Lord and Savior is a privilege, available to us at all times of the day and night. We need to cherish this time, finding even more time in our days to spend with Him as we realize how greatly blessed we are.

prayer focuses

Thank the Lord for both listening to you and speaking to you in prayer.

Pray for wisdom and understanding of what the Lord is speaking to you today.


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about the


Meghan Lee

Meghan is a full-time working wife and mother of 3 young boys. She has loved writing since she was young, and is humbled that God would use her to share an encouraging word.