Today's reading

2 Chronicles 7:14; Galatians 5:22-23; Psalms 119:45

January 15, 2024

America the Beautiful – Part 1

2 Chronicles 7:14; Galatians 5:22-23; Psalms 119:45

In 1893, Katherine Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful.” While all parts of the poem are beautifully written, the second verse actually sounds somewhat like a prayer: “America, America, God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!” If we view it as a prayer, it appears that we are humbly praying and asking God to mend America’s every flaw. In order to do this, we must seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways. In addition, the phrase “confirming thy soul in self-control” is a good reminder of the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23, something much needed in our country today. We could also apply the lines of this poem to how we receive salvation in Christ. Asking God to heal our every flaw—asking for and receiving forgiveness; confirming self-control—gifting of the Holy Spirit; and having liberty in law—freedom in Christ. Even in a time when America was young, Ms. Bates was praying that America would be humble, self-controlled, and free. We must also be examples of this in our daily lives so that we can share with others about our salvation and hope. In order for this nation to be great, God’s people must live out the examples of greatness found in the Bible. Greatness is not how much money we have or what position we hold. Greatness comes from brokenness and being used by God anyway. Abraham was old, Elijah had thoughts of taking his own life, Joseph was abused, Job went bankrupt, Moses had a speech problem, Gideon was afraid, Samson was a womanizer, Rahab was a prostitute, David was a murderer, Jacob was a cheater, Noah was a drunk, the Samaritan Woman was divorced, Jonah ran from God, Naomi was a widow, Peter denied Christ, Martha was a worrier, and Paul persecuted Christians. It’s in our brokenness that we stay bowed at His feet. It’s in our brokenness that God uses us to be His hands and feet. It’s in our brokenness that we can offer a hand of Grace to someone else in their brokenness. Nothing great ever came without sacrifice. “There is no greater love than this, for one to lay down his life for another.” Today, how can we pray for our country? Let’s bring our brokenness to God and He will use it to bring healing to this land.

How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you from today’s reading? How might you be the hands and feet of Jesus to the portion of America you take up? Take some time to journal your thoughts.

prayer focuses

Father, give me the courage to be humble and to lay down my pride. Please give me the gift of the Spirit which is self-control. Help me to know freedom in Christ Jesus so that I can be your hands and feet in my country. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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