Today's reading

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” –Revelation 21:5 ESV

March 25, 2024

Cold Snap

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” –Revelation 21:5 ESV

Warmer weather has brought bursting signs of spring in some places, telling us that a change in seasons is just around the corner. But often the annual warm-up will be suddenly interrupted, as cold fronts tighten the fingers of winter around us one last time before finally releasing their icy grip. In spite of that, this changing of the seasons is somehow comforting. The stark and odd contrast between a cold snap and the flowers pushing up through the otherwise barren ground paints a beautiful picture of the Gospel. Even in the midst of desolation, there is always new life! And that’s the real hope, isn’t it? The death brought by the enemy isn’t powerful enough to stamp out the restoration that comes through Christ! We can be confident in Christ’s resurrection and the new life that comes with it. Spring always follows winter. Always! Hold on to that as you see the flowers and trees come to life in the days ahead, and be reminded that it’s also a picture of the work Christ does in us and through those around us every day. New springs forth from old. Hope emerges from sorrow. Beauty arises from ashes; and through Christ’s sacrifice, life overcomes death.

prayer focuses

God, help me hold on to the promise of restoration, even when my life still looks like winter.

Lord, open my eyes to see Your promises and Your message all around me.


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Karen Woodall

Karen is primarily a writer/editor for InTouch Ministries, but also pens for other ministries, and crafts discipleship posts for She lives near Atlanta, homeschools her kids, loves sports, and desires to help believers know Scripture and live for Jesus.