Today's reading

They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green. –Psalm 92:13-14 ESV

February 4, 2024

Forever Young

They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green. –Psalm 92:13-14 ESV

In Numbers 14:24 (ESV), the Lord acknowledged that Caleb was a man who followed Him wholeheartedly. The Lord recognized this man’s faith. What others saw as impossible, Caleb saw as attainable through the power of God. He wasn’t a man proudly proclaiming his own strength. Rather, he was someone with determined persistence, rooted and grounded in faith, relying on God’s promises. In Joshua 14, we learn that Caleb began his journey in his forties, yet in his eighties he boldly proclaimed that he was still as strong in the Lord as he was as a younger man. He refused to allow his age to diminish his worth in God's kingdom. Throughout scripture, we find evidence that God continues to bless us in our old age. Isaiah 46:3-4 (NIV) reassures us that even in our old age, the Lord will sustain us. The secret to the fountain of youth is found in Psalm 92. When we are planted firmly in the house of the Lord, when we live in His presence daily, we will flourish in His courts. Like Caleb, we’ll be as strong in our eighties as we were in our forties. Nothing can stop us from bearing fruit in our old age. Therefore, let's resist the temptation to allow our age to limit our ability to serve the Lord. We have great worth and value to God, regardless of our age.

prayer focuses

Father, please keep me from using my age as an excuse for not producing fruit. Keep me forever fruitful.

Lord, help me to follow Caleb’s example of faithfulness throughout my life.


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about the


Brenda Beattie

Brenda Beattie is a retired letter carrier and an active Chaplain for the USPS. She and her husband retired to Bradenton because they loved their church, Bayside Community Church. She has self-published two books, "Finding Sacred Ground In The Daily Grind," and "The Case Of The Missing Letter." She is also a repeat author for "Chicken Soup For The Soul." Her articles appear monthly in the "Mountaineer," a postal publication. Her hearts desire is to encourage and to give hope.