Today's reading

Exodus 4:13; Luke 1:38; 1 Corinthians 3:8-9; Ephesians 2:10

January 10, 2024

All In

Exodus 4:13; Luke 1:38; 1 Corinthians 3:8-9; Ephesians 2:10

Are you ready to let God use you in any way He sees fit? What if He asked you to start spreading the Gospel across the globe? What's your response when God drops a calling on your heart? Do you hesitate, question, and maybe even try to dodge it? Well, here's the thing: God's plans can't be stopped, and He'll use whatever means necessary to carry out His purpose. Let's take a look at Moses. He wasn't exactly thrilled when God asked him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. In fact, he tried to get out of it, complaining, "Lord, can't you send someone else? I'm not cut out for this!" But God, being patient with him, reassured Moses that He would equip him with everything he would need. Eventually, Moses put his doubts aside and became a vessel in God's hands. On the other hand, there's Mary. This young lady didn't waste time with questioning or complaining. When God presented His plan to her, she rolled with it, no questions asked. Mary's trust and faith changed the course of history thanks to the birth of Jesus Christ. You may not be Moses or Mary, but God's inviting you too. Yes, you! He wants to team up with you to accomplish His purposes in this world. When we serve God with our whole being, it's a win-win situation. We reap personal growth and fulfillment, but we also contribute to the well-being of others and the expansion of God's kingdom on earth. Think about it. By partnering with God, we get to be part of something awesome, life-changing, and world-impacting! Remember what Leo Tolstoy said? "I can either serve God or not serve Him. By serving Him, I bring good to myself and the whole world. By not serving Him, I forfeit my own good and deprive the world of the good that I had the power to create." So why miss out on the incredible privilege of being part of God's redemptive work? God's calling you. He's asking you to step up, to surrender yourself fully to His plans. When He puts that burden on your heart, respond with faith and trust. Know that He'll equip you for whatever He's calling you to do. Let's be “all in” with God. Let's let Him use us to spread His love, grace, and truth. It's time to embrace the adventure, take on the challenge, and make a difference in this world. You ready? Let's go!

Think about your life in terms of God’s overall purpose to draw others to Christ. How often do you say yes to God’s call to populate His kingdom with the people in your sphere of influence? In Jesus’ name, Amen.

prayer focuses

Lord, I want to be part of Your divine plan to lead others to You. Give me the strength and courage to always say yes, no matter what You ask me to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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