Today's reading

For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance. –Psalm 94:14 NIV

February 17, 2024

Tag, You’re It

For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance. –Psalm 94:14 NIV

Someone tell me why we thought “Tag” was fun? Remember that childhood game where someone, usually the youngest or weakest, is declared “IT” and has to chase the others all over the playground while they squeal, dance, wag their hips, and have a grand time laughing at your expense. Just when you’re close enough to feel the win, they scream with delight and run away, avoiding whatever “cooties” you are carrying.  As we grow up, there are moments when life still resembles a big game of Tag, and you're “IT”, chasing others but never quite catching them. We all want to fit in, be accepted, and feel valued. When circumstances or emotions put us in a place where we are the outsiders, we feel like that rejected child. People tend to embrace those who seamlessly fit into their lives and withdraw when it becomes inconvenient or uncomfortable. Remind yourself today that God’s love for you—and for them—is unconditional. He wants you to know that He will never reject you. No matter how you feel about someone else, He expects us to reflect that same unconditional love even when they cannot or do not act likewise.

prayer focuses

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you confidence to believe that God accepts you and loves you unconditionally.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to see hurting people through God’s eyes.


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about the


Carol Lewis

Carol loves sharing God's Word with people through study groups and writing.