Today's reading

And many followed him. “John didn’t perform miraculous signs,” they remarked to one another, “but everything he said about this man has come true.” –John 10:41 NLT

June 1, 2023

A Voice

And many followed him. “John didn’t perform miraculous signs,” they remarked to one another, “but everything he said about this man has come true.” –John 10:41 NLT

Do you question what spiritual gifts God has given you? Maybe you look at others, see their gifts, and begin to wonder if you even have any. 

God uses everyone who belongs to Him. You are called to fulfill a purpose here on earth. You may not be a pastor, a Bible teacher, or a missionary; but you can be a voice—a voice that tells others about Christ. 

God does not see you the way you may see yourself. Look at John the Baptist. He never performed a miracle, yet Jesus said in Luke 7:28 (NIV), “I tell you, among those born of women, there is no one greater than John ….” John the Baptist was content to be a voice pointing others toward Christ. 

You have both a mission and a special gift that are different from those of others. Whatever you do on a daily basis is not insignificant; it serves as an example that others see. 

People desperately need a Savior. There is no greater gift to have than a voice, spoken aloud or through actions, to open hearts to the love of Christ.

prayer focuses

Trust that the Lord will be faithful and will guide you in what He has called you to do.

Ask the Holy Spirit to embolden you to use your spiritual gift as a voice that points to Christ.


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about the


Rosemary Valentino

Rosemary has been a Christian for forty years and loves the Lord. She is blessed with a loving husband, two children and five grandchildren. She is humbled to be able to write devotions and share God's word. She gives Him all the glory.