Today's reading

It’s crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off. –Hebrews 2:1 MSG

October 8, 2023

Are You Drifting?

It’s crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off. –Hebrews 2:1 MSG

As Christians, we are instructed to pay close attention to what we hear and read in the Word of God. God has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus our Lord. His teachings are the eternal anchor that we need to cling to, keeping us tethered so that we don’t drift from the truth. 

But are we truly focusing on the Word of God? How does our listening to the Lord compare with our focus on other things? Do we have a sense of urgency, realizing the value and relevance of His Word for our daily lives? We are admonished to heed the One True God, to consider Him throughout our days, to stay close to Him, and to keep Him in our thoughts. As we study His Word, the Bible—not merely just reading the words, it becomes our anchor, preventing us from drifting away. But, if we neglect the Word of God, ignoring the Lord’s call to consume, study, and apply its instructions, we will gradually fall away from not only His Word but His plan for our lives. God’s Word is truly our lifeline.

prayer focuses

Lord Jesus, help me to focus on Your Word and not drift away from Your truth.

Thank You, dear Lord, for providing me with a lifeline—Your Holy Word, to keep me from straying.


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about the


Denise Varga

Denise is a wife, mother, grand-mother, and published author. She enjoys writing, the beach, and spending time with family and friends. Denise loves to share her faith and the Word of God with others.