Today's reading

The one who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. –Romans 8:37 GW

March 18, 2023

Becoming Jesus Strong

The one who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. –Romans 8:37 GW

God wants to witness our victory over our flesh, the world, and Satan. Jesus knew we couldn’t overcome on our own, and that’s why He promised to send us help. Just as God sent Jesus to be our Savior from the penalty of sin and death, Jesus sends the gift of the Holy Spirit to be our Strengthener.

Becoming “Jesus strong” requires that we activate our spiritual muscles via daily workouts in suppressing our fleshly appetites, the views of this world, and the pulls of the enemy. In our quest to become Jesus strong, we need to follow His example—in the wilderness, in religious worship, and in our interactions with the world. In every instance, Jesus overcame the enemy with the Word of God and prayer. 

We’ll become Jesus strong when we aim to surmount these areas via proclaiming the Word of God, seeking the will of God, and spending quality time in prayer. When we develop in the Spirit—who is alive, active, and advocating within us—we’ll control our flesh, avoid worldly distractions, and be Jesus strong when the enemy entices us. Let’s stand strong in Christ and overcome! 

prayer focuses

Ask God to strengthen you inwardly with His Spirit, according to His riches and His glory.

Thank Jesus that you can do all things, being strengthened through the indwelling and filling of His Spirit.


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about the


Barbara Alpert

Barbara was a wife, mother, and grandma who sought to love the LORD with all her heart, soul & strength. She has authored several books for adults and children. She has enjoyed mentoring other writers and seeing them turn their manuscripts into published masterpieces for God's glory. She believed that every person has a God-story within them to be told and shared. Barbara passed away peacefully in November 2023, but Bayside continues to remember and honor her legacy by sharing devotionals written by her in order to inspire and encourage others.