Today's reading

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. –Proverbs 14:12 NIV


Decisions, Decisions

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. –Proverbs 14:12 NIV

When you have a difficult decision to make, how do you know what to do? Do you trust your best judgment, ask for advice, or jump in and hope for the best? While there is certainly a place for critical thinking and wise counsel, God warns believers against relying on what “appears to be right” to the neglect of His truth. That’s because no person in this world has the full picture of what’s really taking place at any given moment, nor can anyone figure out the full ramifications of their actions.Apart from the wisdom of God’s Word and the discernment of the Holy Spirit, even the most informed and well educated cannot determine what’s truly best. We can sometimes completely convince ourselves of the rightness of our actions, yet end up far away from where God is actually leading.If you are faced with a decision today and considering your options, don’t trust yourself. Submit your plans to God. Search the Scriptures and wait patiently for the Lord to reveal which way to go (see Psalm 27:14; 32:8).

prayer focuses

Jesus, I believe that where I can’t see, You can see.

Help me trust You and follow Your guidance. God, give me a listening heart and a willing spirit to follow You wherever You lead.


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about the


Karen Woodall

Karen is primarily a writer/editor for InTouch Ministries, but also pens for other ministries, and crafts discipleship posts for She lives near Atlanta, homeschools her kids, loves sports, and desires to help believers know Scripture and live for Jesus.