Today's reading

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. –Matthew 3:8 NIV

September 7, 2023

Earmark of Truth

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. –Matthew 3:8 NIV

As we read through the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we discover people whose lives were forever changed by meeting Jesus. We learn how the lives of Peter, James, John, Mary Magdalene, and the woman at the well were forever transformed. When we meet Jesus, change happens.

In today’s world, we are exposed to many “gospels” for self-improvement. But which is true? A false gospel lures people in by appealing to each one’s self-centered nature, for example: “We are all basically good people.” “Believe in yourself.” “Follow your heart.” Such mantras try to convince us that we have all the power and answers within us. False gospels declare that we are all “gods.” The problem is that such gospels leave out the only One who can truly change us—Jesus. We must put our hope and trust in Him and Him alone.

When we truly come to accept Christ, our sinful nature is exposed, and we no longer want to fulfill its desires. One translation of Matthew 3:8 (GW) puts it this way: “Do those things that prove you have turned to God and have changed the way you think and act.” Without repentance, there is no change. Repentance that brings change is the earmark of the true gospel.

prayer focuses

Lord Jesus, help me to be more like You in all that I do today.

Lord, help me to keep my eyes focused on You and not be deceived by worldly wisdom.


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about the


Brenda Beattie

Brenda Beattie is a retired letter carrier and an active Chaplain for the USPS. She and her husband retired to Bradenton because they loved their church, Bayside Community Church. She has self-published two books, "Finding Sacred Ground In The Daily Grind," and "The Case Of The Missing Letter." She is also a repeat author for "Chicken Soup For The Soul." Her articles appear monthly in the "Mountaineer," a postal publication. Her hearts desire is to encourage and to give hope.