O Jerusalem, cleanse your heart that you may be saved. How long will you harbor your evil thoughts? –Jeremiah 4:14 NLT
Until the day she died, my mom wrestled with her inner voice that told her she wasn’t a good mom. She had to go to work when I was eleven months old, and in the 1950s, women stayed home with their children. No matter how many times I assured her that she was a great mother, she still felt guilty.We all have an inner voice, and it seems like it is constantly trying to condemn us. If anyone else talked to us like we talk to ourselves, we’d be infuriated. When we give that bully an audience and when we allow it to get into our heads, we suffer greatly. We get depressed and hopeless with defeat feeling eminent. However, if we name that voice and call it out for what it is, we overcome. We remind ourselves that there is no condemnation in Christ.When we choose not to listen to that voice and face our accuser and speak God’s words of life to ourselves, freedom comes. You listen to you more than you listen to anyone else. You believe you more than anyone else. Don’t defeat yourself, encourage yourself. Remember, you are an amazing, forgiven, redeemed, new creation, made in the image of God.
Pray for the strength to face your enemy with truth.
Claim the freedom Christ has given you. Take every thought captive, cast down every evil imagination.