Today's reading

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. –Proverbs 27:17 ESV

March 3, 2023

Fight Comparisons, Accept His Love

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. –Proverbs 27:17 ESV

We can be deceived into believing that someone else is perfect while we’re fighting our battles all alone. Satan loves to whisper in our ears, “See, you don’t have what he or she has…See, you’re different…See, you don’t have the talent…” All of these accusations can leave us feeling paralyzed.

But the truth is, we already have all that we need in Christ. We’re all fighting mountains of various sizes. We’ve all shed tears on our pillows at night. We all have a house that needs more cleaning or kids that need more discipline—maybe even some marriage counseling too. That’s why we so desperately need Jesus each and every day.

If you have felt alone this week, please know that you are not. If you have needed a friend to talk to and hear your heart, you are totally normal. If you’ve felt lonely and that people don’t understand, you’re not alone in that either.

Don’t let the enemy of your soul keep you isolated. You are made for more. Let Jesus love you today, and enjoy the beauty of community as you strive for the goal of knowing others authentically. You are loved more than you know.

prayer focuses

Father God, thank You for creating me uniquely, giving me purpose, and allowing me to be in community with others.

Lord, forgive me when I have envied the life of another instead of being grateful for the life You’ve given me.


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Samantha Krieger