For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. –Romans 3:23 NLT
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a shortage of people in this world waiting to tell you all about your faults, flaws, and failures. They are of course measuring you by the perfection in their own lives, right? Why do we hang our hat on their perception of truth? Why do we compromise who we are or what we believe just to fit in?There is only one Truth, and the One who is that truth loves us unconditionally. He doesn’t shame us, condemn us, or criticize us into submission. He loves us as we are, yet He’s always encouraging us to come up higher. He convicts our hearts of sin; but He does it so lovingly that our hearts are broken for our failures, and we want Him to discipline us.We don’t have to tell people they’re flawed; they already know that. But if we love them to the degree that they grow to be better, we’ve accomplished something. Everyone has room for improvement, and everyone has a purpose for being. We can blame the world or change it. We can give up or refuse to be defeated. Let’s focus on our common ground, not our differences.
Be quick to forgive and slow to judge.
Give others the grace you need. Build others up; don’t tear them down.