Today's reading

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. –Psalm 119:11 NIV

June 19, 2023

God Gave Us a Gift

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. –Psalm 119:11 NIV

In church, children are sometimes expected to memorize a certain number of Scriptures per year. Why, as adults, do people stop memorizing Scripture? God wants us to not just be a reader of His Word, but a student. He wants us to write His promises on our hearts and lives. 

As we memorize God’s Word, writing it upon our hearts, we are better equipping ourselves to deal with life’s difficulties, as well as being better able to encourage others as they deal with theirs. God gave us His Word as a gift, to light our paths, to draw us closer to Him, and to teach others of His unfailing love. 

As we grow closer to God through His Word, we will begin to see ourselves changing from the inside out. With ready access to His Word, strength will rise up within us and we will begin to walk in confidence, knowing that God is on our side.

prayer focuses

Thank God for the promises in His Word.

Pray that you would be bold to teach others using the truth of God’s Word.


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about the


Heather Potts

After living in sunny Florida, Heather, along with her husband and their two daughters, followed God's direction to Wisconsin's Frozen Tundra. They are excited for all God is doing in their lives.