Today's reading

…for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. –Isaiah 52:12 NIV

July 8, 2023

God's Timetable - Part One

…for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. –Isaiah 52:12 NIV

Here are some building blocks for you to consider while fulfilling what God is calling you to accomplish.

Plan, Purpose, & Passion: As a Believer, you can be confident that God has a good plan and purpose for your life. It’s important that you continuously seek God and ask Him to reveal His plan for your life, so you can go about working toward such endeavors. Real passion can never be assigned to you by others; it is something that is found within you. It’s that inner zeal that causes you to arise and pursue the things you profoundly know God has called you to accomplish.

Pause, Preparation, & Patience: Passion, purpose, and a plan of action that lacks proper understanding, information, and preparation can be regarded as foolishness from God’s perspective. God is not in a hurry to get you to the place where you zealously want to arrive. Why? Because passion used wrongly can injure others, dishonor God’s name, and harm you. God often has to prepare your heart before He does mightier things through you. Thus, it’s important to wait patiently as God strategically unfolds His good plans for your life.

prayer focuses

Thank God for the remarkable dreams and ambitions He has placed in your mind and heart.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you achieve the objectives in the current opportunities God has given you.


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about the


Barbara Alpert

Barbara was a wife, mother, and grandma who sought to love the LORD with all her heart, soul & strength. She has authored several books for adults and children. She has enjoyed mentoring other writers and seeing them turn their manuscripts into published masterpieces for God's glory. She believed that every person has a God-story within them to be told and shared. Barbara passed away peacefully in November 2023, but Bayside continues to remember and honor her legacy by sharing devotionals written by her in order to inspire and encourage others.