Today's reading

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I will wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. -Micah 7:7 NIV

November 5, 2023

In Times of Trouble

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I will wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. -Micah 7:7 NIV

In the midst of difficult situations, the prophet Micah encourages us with three declarations in the verse above. “Watch in hope.” Look to the Lord for help. “Wait for God.” Patiently anticipate the Lord’s intervention. The prophet affirms that “God will hear,” confidently proclaiming faith and assurance that God is listening to the needs of our hearts. 

When troubles come, do we become unnerved? Or do we run to the Savior? There are many battles in life. They could be financial, physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual. As we face struggles, we are cautioned to “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8 NLT). Thankfully, we have a loving God who never loses sight of us. He knows our hearts and our every need. So, we need not panic. Rather, we must turn our eyes to Jesus—the one who fights for us. The Lord commands: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV). Psalm 16:8 (NLT) says, “I know the Lord is always with me; I will not be shaken, He is right beside me.” So, let’s watch in hope and wait for God our Savior, for He will hear us and meet our every need.

prayer focuses

Holy Spirit, open my eyes and my heart so that I may sense Your presence right beside me in times of trouble.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for doing battle for me in every moment of my day.


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about the


Sunilda Quiles

Sunilda has resided in Sarasota since 1992. She has three children and four grandchildren. She has known the Lord for 48 years and loves to write about His goodness, love and most of all His faithfulness. She has two published articles: One in Angels on Earth and one in Spectrum Nursing magazine.