Today's reading

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. –Proverbs 27:17 NIV

April 29, 2023

Iron Sharpening Iron

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. –Proverbs 27:17 NIV

Everyone has a testimony regarding difficult experiences that are now in the past. At such times, we may have been in the middle of the storm and couldn’t imagine finding our way to the other side. Those experiences may now be a distant memory, but we carry the scars of wisdom where God has refined us in the fire. 

It’s amazing how God uses our testimonies as life-saving devices to save our friends who are drowning in their own storms. And, He places people in our lives to show us that there can be victory at the end of a long struggle. These people speak the Holy Spirit’s truth into us—iron sharpening iron!

We don’t have to be preachers to speak life-changing truths to someone. Also, just because we are leaders today, doesn’t mean we won’t, at other times, be led by others and receive their words of wisdom for our own lives. 

God’s Word says that He will always give us an out when we are tempted by sin, so that we can endure (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). The way out of sin could be shown by the voice of another believer, offering a helping hand or a wise warning at just the right time. Being willing to listen is crucial. This accountability and wise counsel is a gift God has given us so that we can keep walking in His freedom.

prayer focuses

God, please place people in my life who will speak Your truth to me when I need to hear it.

God, help me to be sensitive to the needs of others and how I best can support the friends that You have placed in my life.


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about the


Jessica Hollis

Jessica Hollis is a wife and mom of two boys. She has lived in Parrish for over two years. She hopes her writing will be an encouragement to the heart of the reader.