Today's reading

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. –Psalm 34:18 NLT

September 6, 2023

Is Your Spirit Crushed?

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. –Psalm 34:18 NLT

Are you aware that numerous men and women of the Bible struggled with sadness? Moses asked God to take his life (Numbers 11:10-15); Job cursed the day of his birth (Job 3:1-26); Hannah grieved because her womb remained closed (1 Samuel 1:1-16); and Hagar sobbed in the desert as her son was about to die (Genesis 21).

There were a variety of reasons for the feelings of despair experienced by these men and women of the Bible. But the Lord helped each person out of his or her pit. God appointed Aaron to assist Moses. God blessed Job in his later years. The Lord opened Hannah’s womb. And God provided for Hagar’s and her child’s needs.

Feelings of hopelessness can enter your life after a loss, after sinning, from the hands of someone else’s wrongdoings, or even following a huge spiritual triumph. No matter what the cause of your sadness is, God desires to restore you to wholeness.

God is close to the brokenhearted. He knows what you’re going through, and He doesn’t want you to remain crushed in spirit. Invite Him into the area of your life that needs healing. Brighter days will transpire as you place your hope in the Lord and take the essential steps He asks you to take.

prayer focuses

If you have been feeling depressed, ask God to reveal to you what course of action He would have you take to become well.

Ask the Holy Spirit to refill you and help you to regain your peace and joy in the Lord.


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about the


Barbara Alpert

Barbara was a wife, mother, and grandma who sought to love the LORD with all her heart, soul & strength. She has authored several books for adults and children. She has enjoyed mentoring other writers and seeing them turn their manuscripts into published masterpieces for God's glory. She believed that every person has a God-story within them to be told and shared. Barbara passed away peacefully in November 2023, but Bayside continues to remember and honor her legacy by sharing devotionals written by her in order to inspire and encourage others.