…This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength! –Nehemiah 8:10 NLT
Think back to a time in your life when you were so excited and so full of joy that you couldn’t wait for something to happen. Maybe it was Christmas morning or a birthday. Whatever the memory is that brings you the greatest joy, think about it for a moment. Now take that same joy and transplant it into your today. It’s still there; you can still feel that kind of joy. The person you were then is still inside of you today.Too often we let the cares of life get to us and disappointments are magnified. We let bad memories defeat us. If we have the ability to dwell on the negative things in life, we also have the same ability to dwell on the joys of life. If we expect gloom, doom, and despair, that’s exactly what we’ll get. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Take away the joy, and we’re toast.Today, if you catch yourself dwelling on the negative aspects of life, choose instead to focus on joy. Then watch your entire attitude go from defeat to joy. The battle is in the mind, so take every thought captive and live a joyful life.
Holy Spirit, help me practice thinking good thoughts and remember joyful days.
I know that when I find joy, I will find strength. Help me take every thought captive! I want Your joy to overflow in my life.