Today's reading

...I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and refuge in the day of my distress. –Psalm 59:16 ESV

September 1, 2023

Our Fortress

...I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and refuge in the day of my distress. –Psalm 59:16 ESV

A fortress is a place that protects those within it, providing a safe harbor from an adversary. To fortify is to make something stronger or more secure.

God, in His power, holiness, and wisdom, fortifies us. By His Spirit, He equips us with armor as He continually defends us against the forces of evil. We can put on Jesus’ breastplate of righteousness, which makes us clean and blameless. We can wrap ourselves in the truth of God’s Word, which is our firm foundation. As our feet are fitted with God’s peace, we can rest—even amidst difficulty. We can rely on the Lord to provide this armor because He is faithful and has all authority on Earth and in Heaven. Therefore, we can stand firm in His strength because we serve a God who is ready and able to protect us from any scheme of the devil.

Despite our sin and foolishness, our Lord lavishes us with love through Jesus. He gave up His Son so we could join His family and have eternal life. He desires to defend His children and deliver them from trouble. So trust in the Creator of the universe. He is our mighty fortress.

prayer focuses

Praise the Lord Jesus, for He is our refuge and strength, having already won the battle over the evil one.

Lord, help me to better understand the fullness of your love and protection of me, even in the midst of challenges.


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about the


Nicole Myers

Nicole is a physician and teacher. She enjoys traveling, cooking, and music. She loves her Bayside Community Church family and loves serving on the hospitality and prayer teams. She is thirsty for the Word of God and desires to make Him known through her writing.