Today's reading

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom. –Song of Solomon 2:15 ESV


Oust the Thieves...For Joy

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom. –Song of Solomon 2:15 ESV

It’s often the little things in life that eat away at our love for each other and for our Father.

Though small and cute, foxes have historically been a symbol of cunning and mischief. They can be destructive, just as the small attitudes we occasionally allow to wreak havoc in our relationships. What might we glimpse prowling in the garden of our hearts? Criticisms? Sarcasm (the tearing of flesh)? Ingratitude? Laziness? Self-focus? Thoughtlessness? Jealousy? Pride? Impure thoughts? Harshness?

Have our undisciplined tongues ever prompted us to say small things that hurt others? Just as termites can level a large home and one match can bring down a forest, so too can ignoring the small sins encourage the gradual demolition of the abundant, fruit-filled life God intended for each of us!

Indulging in hurtful words causes us to miss the mark (the literal definition of sin). By confessing our sins and through the empowering grace of God, we can actually hit the bull’s eye and receive the sweet reward our Father has in store for all of us!

prayer focuses

Father, help me to root out the easily overlooked sins in my heart that are hurting my relationship with You and others.

Please give me the sensitivity to know when I’ve said or implied something that seemed harmless but actually caused pain.


latest reads


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about the


Cia Chester McKoy