Today's reading

Acts 1:1-11; 2:37-47; 3:1-11; 4:32-37

January 16, 2023

P + F: Day Eight

Acts 1:1-11; 2:37-47; 3:1-11; 4:32-37

If there was one word that could describe the beginnings of the story of God’s people, it would be partnership. In Abraham, God found a partner in a person, and then a family. In the nation of Israel, God found partnership with a people. God was inviting His people to partner with Him to bring shalom (peace, wholeness) to a fallen world by caring for the alien, orphan, widow, and living in obedience to His commands.

Through Christ, God has found a partner in all who cross the line of faith and say yes to a relationship with Jesus. We find our purpose as New Testament followers of Christ when we partner with Him in bringing redemption, renewal, restoration, and repair to this broken world. The Jewish people call it Tikkun Olam, “the repair of the world”.

The book of Acts shows us most breathtakingly  what it looks like to partner with the Father and one another in the Tikkun Olam or repair of the world. It may cost us to do so, but in the Kingdom of God, to lose your life is to gain everything. How do you want to participate in the Tikkun Olam? Where are you currently witnessing God’s redemption, renewal, restoration, and repair of the world around you?

prayer focuses

Father, thank you for the privilege to partner with You to bring repair to this world.

Holy Spirit, send us, use us, fill us, and empower us.


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