Today's reading

John 14:1-11; John 5:19

January 13, 2023

P + F: Day Five

John 14:1-11; John 5:19

Do you remember the house you grew up in? What was your favorite room in that house? Why? For some, remembering their childhood home is pure delight, for others, it is painful. If that is your story then let today’s reading in John encourage you.

It is part of a much bigger passage of Scripture known as the upper room discourse. These passages are Jesus’ final words to His disciples before His crucifixion and resurrection. They are words spoken with intent. They are words spoken with deep truth. They are also words of promise. Jesus is using bridal language to comfort His disciples then and us now.

It was a standard Jewish betrothal and marriage custom in Jesus’ day for the father and son, upon betrothal, to begin building a room in  the father’s house for the wedding couple to move into. The father would tell the son when the room was ready and the son would go get his bride. Are you seeing the connection and how these images in their context would be a comfort to the hearers?

You see, the Father isn’t preparing a “mansion” for us but a room in His House - just like a family. As part of the family of God, the capital C church, we are His bride. He and His Father are preparing a room for us and one day, the Father will tell the Son to go get His Bride!

Maybe the rooms in the house you grew up in hold painful memories, but Scripture promises that one day you will have a room full of peace and promise. Jesus begins these words of promise by saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me.” (John 14:1, NIV) These are words of comfort to us as well. What is troubling your heart right now? Rest in the Father’s care and plan. He who is faithful will remain faithful.

prayer focuses

Jesus, You are the way to home, You are the truth of home and You are the life in our home. Thank you for showing us the way home through a relationship with You.

Thank you that You are preparing a place for us to be at home with You forever. There is someone who doesn’t have the assurance of that promise today, I pray for…


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