Today's reading

Genesis 1-2:3; Isaiah 43:10-11

January 10, 2023

P + F: Day Two

Genesis 1-2:3; Isaiah 43:10-11

It is only appropriate that we begin this new year right where God’s story begins - in the beginning. Read the first four words of Genesis 1 again, slowly. In the beginning, God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - in the beginning, before your beginning.

That same Triune God is with you now in this beginning. The same Spirit that hovered over the dark, empty places waiting for God to speak is hovering over the darkness and emptiness in your life, ready to create something new in you, speaking words of life over you.

As we read the creation account we hear words of invitation - an invitation to know God, to be in a relationship with Him. It is an invitation that is repeated throughout scripture. The prophet Isaiah writes (43:10-11) that we are chosen so that we may know Him, believe Him, and understand who He is. The word know in Hebrew is a word that implies a certain level of familiarity and intimacy. God is inviting you to know Him. So, how will we get to know Him?

As with any relationship, getting to know someone involves spending time together. Look over Genesis 1 again and notice the pattern for creation. In the first 3 days of creation, God separated land, sea, and sky, and in the final 3 days, He filled it.

In the coming days, we will use this pattern. We will create space, on our calendar and in our days, and ask God to fill it - not with things but with Himself. And in so doing, we will enlarge our capacity to know Him, believe Him and understand who He is.

How will you create space in your day (month, year) for the Living God to fill? Do you have rhythms in your life that prioritize time with God?

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God, reveal to us what is keeping us from knowing You more deeply.

At the beginning of these 14 days, I confess...


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