Today's reading

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. –Hebrews 11:6 NIV

November 12, 2023

Roller Coaster Mentality

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. –Hebrews 11:6 NIV

Life can often be a roller coaster ride if we live by our feelings. Emotions can plunge from excitement to fear or from euphoria to nausea in seconds. They’re up one minute, down the next, sometimes leaving us wondering if we’re right side up or upside down. Life can be a wild ride if we let our emotions rule our hearts. Emotions are good, even God-given, but they are not a dependable barometer to live by. Emotions lie! They may tell us things aren’t as bad as they seem when they really are, or they might tell us things are worse than they really are. Living by our emotions is confusing and exhausting. 

A roller coaster ride can be fun, but not 24 hours a day. We must determine in our hearts what is the truth and then filter our emotions through that truth. We each have the ability to rule over our emotions, and we ought not to let them rule over us. We must walk by faith, not feelings. Regardless of the feelings we are having today, our Lord can provide us with peace that passes all understanding. With God’s help, we can learn to discern the difference between truth and feelings.

prayer focuses

Ask the Lord to help you to live by faith and not feelings.

Pray that you can keep your eyes fixed on Jesus as you walk through troubles and thank Him for the perfect peace that only He can provide.


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about the


Brenda Beattie

Brenda Beattie is a retired letter carrier and an active Chaplain for the USPS. She and her husband retired to Bradenton because they loved their church, Bayside Community Church. She has self-published two books, "Finding Sacred Ground In The Daily Grind," and "The Case Of The Missing Letter." She is also a repeat author for "Chicken Soup For The Soul." Her articles appear monthly in the "Mountaineer," a postal publication. Her hearts desire is to encourage and to give hope.