Today's reading

You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. –Psalm 104:19 NLT

March 22, 2023

Seasons Change

You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. –Psalm 104:19 NLT

What is it about fall that makes you want to jump in the car and drive north where there is a nip in the air and the leaves are turning to beautiful hues of red, gold, and orange? Whether you are energized by the fall or it brings you down, you can’t stop the seasons from changing. Seasons change; you choose how you move through them.

Life is a continuance of seasons, change after change, followed by another change. Some are glorious; others more challenging. Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 is a beautiful reminder that God is in control. Take comfort in the fact that He is unchanging, and has appointed a time for every event under the sun. As you face each new season, don’t let it come upon you without reflection. Set aside some “adjustment” time—even if it’s just a morning. 

Turn off the phone, lock the door, curl up with a good cup of coffee, and reflect on what’s happening in your life. Pray. Reflect. Journal. What are the challenges you face in this season of change? How has God been faithful in other seasons? Ask Him to show you what is in your power to change and what is not. Concentrate on the things you can change; trust Him with the rest. If you allow Him, He will stretch, grow, and mold you through every season into the vessel He designed. 

prayer focuses

Thank God for the changing of seasons—internally and externally.

Ask Him to help you take time to reflect on upcoming seasons and changes, looking to Him for His peace and rest.


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about the


Carol Lewis

Carol loves sharing God's Word with people through study groups and writing.