Today's reading

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. –1 Peter 4:10 NIV

April 28, 2023

Serving Well

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. –1 Peter 4:10 NIV

Believers have a natural desire to serve. Often, we just aren’t sure how to serve so we may look to those we see as more “spiritual” or someone we admire for guidance.

As a young Christian, I had no idea where I fit so I looked to a lovely woman who I saw as a spiritual giant. Soon after, she shared that the Holy Spirit had “whispered” my name when she prayed about a specific opportunity! I immediately had a check in my spirit; nothing about it fit “me.” Reluctantly and wrongly, I said yes and less than a year later I was “gently” removed from the position. I was humbled and embarrassed, and it took time and growth to step out again.

If you are looking for guidance on what path to take, know that God will open the right door at the right time. When you feel that nudge, take it to prayer. Know and believe in your gifts and strengths and trust God to use them.

Godly counsel is important, but He will speak to you just as clearly as He will to someone else about your role/ministry. The journey doesn’t promise to be easy; but when God truly calls you to it, it is a gift, a blessing, and an honor.

prayer focuses

Ask God to help you understand and use your strengths and spiritual gifts that He’s given you.

Father, help me to seek You first and last. Help me to trust Your voice more than those of the people around me.


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about the


Carol Lewis

Carol loves sharing God's Word with people through study groups and writing.