Today's reading

[Love] does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. –1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

November 3, 2023

Touch With Grace

[Love] does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. –1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

Have you ever had to deal with someone who is really touchy, easily offended, or easily angered? Have you then found yourself walking on eggshells around that person or repeating the phrase over and over to yourself, “I’m not crazy, I’m not crazy?” After a while, you begin to second-guess everything you say or do. It’s exhausting. 

Scripture says that love is patient and kind, but it doesn’t require you to be a scapegoat for another’s irrational or insecure behavior. With some people, you can love them from a distance. But, with many, you must co-exist. It is important to remember that if you, in turn, are easily annoyed, angered, hurt, offended, put out, or ticked off, you are no better than those who offend you. 

Choose to walk in love before such situations arise in order to live a life of peace. When you choose to overlook an offense and to seek the good of others and not your own, you learn that you don’t need the approval of others to be okay. It’s not easy, but instead of taking offense, in as much as possible, touch others with God’s grace.

prayer focuses

Pray for the wisdom to deal with difficult people in love.

Pray that the Lord will help you to overcome in any areas that dishonor God in your dealings with others.


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about the


Brenda Beattie

Brenda Beattie is a retired letter carrier and an active Chaplain for the USPS. She and her husband retired to Bradenton because they loved their church, Bayside Community Church. She has self-published two books, "Finding Sacred Ground In The Daily Grind," and "The Case Of The Missing Letter." She is also a repeat author for "Chicken Soup For The Soul." Her articles appear monthly in the "Mountaineer," a postal publication. Her hearts desire is to encourage and to give hope.