Today's reading

Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. –Psalm 119:35 NIV

July 2, 2023

Whose Path Are You Taking?

Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. –Psalm 119:35 NIV

When we drive to work in the morning, we usually don’t use our phone’s GPS to get there because we already know the way. But sometimes going our own way causes us to be late to our destination as we fail to consider the traffic or accidents along the roads. In hindsight, we realize the value of the GPS.

We ought to ask whose path we are taking on the road of life—our own or God’s? God is our ultimate GPS. His path for us to follow is revealed in His Word. Our individual routes are lined with not only abundance and peace but adversity as well. The Lord wants us to follow His lead so blessings can abound. He will help us endure and navigate the difficult roads.

What gets in the way of us following the Lord’s path? Pride, fear, and unbelief can distract us—to name just a few of the many obstacles. Our eyes and hearts get captivated by the things of this world. But we must remember that Jesus, who has overcome the world, has provided the way for us to get back on course. Through His sacrifice, we are forgiven and free. Our Lord has given us the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us. With His strength, we have victory over the devil’s attempts to get us off track. With the Lord as our GPS, we can walk with confidence, not fear.

prayer focuses

Thank You, Lord, for Your love, faithfulness, and Word to guide me.

Lord, increase my faith to know confidently that Your path is good.


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about the


Nicole Myers

Nicole is a physician and teacher. She enjoys traveling, cooking, and music. She loves her Bayside Community Church family and loves serving on the hospitality and prayer teams. She is thirsty for the Word of God and desires to make Him known through her writing.