Today's reading

Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear. –Isaiah 65:24 ESV

October 11, 2023

Yes, No, Not Now

Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear. –Isaiah 65:24 ESV

God promises in His Word that He hears our prayers. Every day, we bring cares and concerns to Him. Whether it is an illness, loneliness, or uncertainty regarding the direction to take with school or a job, we can trust God to answer. The problem is that we have expectations about not only how our prayers ought to be answered but also when the resolution should be accomplished. We need to remember that prayer isn’t about our will. It is about trusting in the fulfillment of God’s will. Our prayers will be answered according to the Lord’s will, not ours.

We must also remember that the answer to prayer is not always “yes.” It may, at times, be “no” or “not yet.” But the important point is to trust that the Lord has our best interests at heart. We don’t see the whole picture—He does. We may not even see the answer to a prayer in our lifetime. But the true power of our prayer is in faith that God is always working. Trust in His timetable requires both faith and courage. We may not understand until we enter eternity why God allows us to endure certain struggles and heartaches. But until that time, we can rest assured that God loves us and is beside us through it all.  

prayer focuses

Lord, help me to trust You, even when I don’t understand.

Thank You, dear Lord, that You hold me in Your loving hands through the difficult times.


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about the


Rosemary Valentino

Rosemary has been a Christian for forty years and loves the Lord. She is blessed with a loving husband, two children and five grandchildren. She is humbled to be able to write devotions and share God's word. She gives Him all the glory.