Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. –Philippians 4:8 NIV
How are you feeding your soul these days? Do you look to the media and it’s reporting of the fear of disease, politics, and current disasters in the world? It is important certainly to be informed, but then with confidence turn to God’s Word—the ultimate Source of knowledge. This is where you will be filled with peace and hope, not with fear and dread. Within Scripture is a place of rest and peace in the arms of your heavenly Father.Our Abba Father knows what is out there, and He knows how everything turns out. He has already made a way for you, and He can’t wait to show you the wonderful things that are in store for you as His child. He is right beside you—turn and lean into His embrace. Come to God’s table.Through His Word, you will be satisfied and no longer hunger or have need for the bad news of the day and the worry of tomorrow—rather hunger for His news of a bright and wonderful today and even better forever! His peace like a river will cover you with good news and hope!
Father, let me look to You for my strength in these uncertain times knowing that You are certain of my future and eternity.
God, let me come to Your table to be filled with hope and peace.