Today's reading

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. –Proverbs 13:20 ESV



Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. –Proverbs 13:20 ESV

The Bible is clear about the powerful influence that others have on believers, for both evil and good (Proverbs 12:26, 14:6-7; 22:24-25). While believers need to be deliberate in cultivating relationships with those who are unbelievers so that they may share the truth, it’s imperative to be careful about the influence of our closest companions. It is best to use wise judgment when deciding with whom to spend time because even the strong can be led astray by those who live their lives in opposition to the truth (1 Corinthians 15:33). So take a minute to do a quick exercise. Make a list of your closest friends. (You may leave off those people with whom you are interacting for the specific purpose of sharing the Gospel). But do include anyone with whom you interact often in social settings. Now go back through the names, circling each person whose character exhibits a lifestyle of wisdom. As your reread Proverbs 13:20, reflect on what changes may need to be made in your choice of companions, considering the eventual outcome of your interaction with the people whose names you chose not to circle.

prayer focuses

Jesus, illuminate my heart so I can make careful decisions with whom to share my life.

God, help me cultivate my closest relationship with You so that I may truly walk in Your wisdom.


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about the


Karen Woodall

Karen is primarily a writer/editor for InTouch Ministries, but also pens for other ministries, and crafts discipleship posts for She lives near Atlanta, homeschools her kids, loves sports, and desires to help believers know Scripture and live for Jesus.