Today's reading

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. –Joshua 1:9 ESV

February 28, 2024

No Matter Where You Go

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. –Joshua 1:9 ESV

No matter what your plan is for the day, you are often rushing around trying to get ready. Argh! You’re late and in a panic… Where’s your stuff? Gotta get out of here by then or else! These types of thoughts keep rushing through your mind. Have you ever noticed that when you're in a hurry, the last thing to cross your mind is often the first thing that can bring us peace? God has peace for you no matter the circumstance. He is with you no matter where you are or where you go. He doesn’t have to show up, for He’s already there right beside you. His appointment is with you. In every moment of every day—even when the worst is at hand, He is there. As Christians, we have the ultimate tool belt of coping and peace. The Holy Spirit leads us through life. And through Jesus, we have found the road to eternity with our loving Abba Father. Along the way we can find miracles in everything that we see and do. When we need help and aren’t sure what to do or where to go, we can ask God for help, and He will always answer us. What a loving Daddy we have that always has His arms open to us, no matter what, to embrace us with warmth and love. Wherever you go today, He is right there beside you and within you!

prayer focuses

Father, help me to focus on Your plan and path for me.

Jesus, walk with me today. Talk with me, and show me the light of Your path in my life.


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David Thomas