Today's reading

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. –Psalm 139:13 NIV

February 22, 2024

God’s Creation

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. –Psalm 139:13 NIV

Sit for a moment and close your eyes. Ponder the magnificence of God’s creation—the moon, the stars, the planets, and the earth—the wonderment of it all. Then, think about God’s most precious creation—you! Before He created you into existence, He already knew you (Psalm 139:15-16). He saw you as you were to be—your hair, your eyes, your good qualities, your faults, your joy, and your pain. He chose you before the foundation of the world and made a plan for you: a plan “to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). He created you with tender loving care. He knit you together with such patience. He took His time creating you into the beautiful creature that you are, for you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14 NIV). Because He created you with such care, He never takes His eyes off you, for you are His. My friend, never doubt for a moment who you are in God’s eyes. Let us praise Him with all of our strength and might for His work is always perfect. Know in your heart that you are His magnificent masterpiece and beloved creation.

prayer focuses

Lord, help me to understand the magnitude of Your love as You created me.

Father, help me to see the beauty of all of Your creation and be thankful for the beautiful work of Your hands.


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about the


Sunilda Quiles

Sunilda has resided in Sarasota since 1992. She has three children and four grandchildren. She has known the Lord for 48 years and loves to write about His goodness, love and most of all His faithfulness. She has two published articles: One in Angels on Earth and one in Spectrum Nursing magazine.