Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. –Matthew 5:4 ESV
A baby cries, a mother swaddles him, and instantly he calms down. Comfort. A child goes to the doctor; he’s scared; but his mom holds his hand, and he’s at peace. Comfort. A teenage girl is nervous about learning to drive; her dad assures her she’ll do just fine, and her nerves settle. Comfort. An elderly woman is approaching the final moments of her life; her husband of fifty years is by her side, he touches her hand, and her fears cease. Comfort.The human experience is often painful and sometimes overwhelming, but we’ve all been given a great gift from God. We’ve been given the gift of giving others comfort. Life isn’t about I, me, or mine; instead, life is about we, us, and ours.Think about all the times you were about to give up and someone said or did something that was exactly the encouragement you needed. That was God comforting you through someone else’s gift. If you want to make your mark on the world and leave a legacy that will benefit others, pursue comfort. We all need it, we all want it, and we’re all capable of giving it. Be a heavenly ambassador for the Father. He will comfort others through you.
Pray for opportunities to show God’s love and comfort others.
Father, thank You for comforting me when I need it the most!