When life is good, enjoy it. But when life is hard, remember that God gives us good times and hard times. And no one knows what will happen in the future. –Ecclesiastes 7:14 ERV
While we don’t want to panic, we do want to be discerning and safe. As Christians, there is always the faith component at work. We live and think differently than the world does. Of course, we want to do everything we can to stay healthy.We don’t want to be foolish or naïve when it comes to pandemics or epidemics. We have to hold on to the knowledge that God’s power is unlimited and nothing is too difficult for Him.The enemy will use any tool to keep us living in fear. God knows the beginning from the end. Everything that happens is under His control. Trust and don’t doubt that God can change circumstances that surround us. Don’t give up. Look up to God in Heaven—not to worldly information that causes fear.Only God in His awesome power knows the outcome. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Regardless of uncertain times, move forward with your life in faith.
Even when I don’t understand the fears life brings, please help me, God, to still believe and trust that You are in control.
Father, thank You that You are already with me. Please help me not to worry about the future.