And now what the law code asked for but we couldn't deliver is accomplished as we, instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.-Romans 8:4 MSG
Through your faith in Christ your spirit is now alive, and with the truth of God’s word your mind is being renewed. As a result, you now have the ability to choose to live God’s way. Instead of conflict with God you can now live in harmony with Him. As you daily grow in faith, your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs will begin to reflect those of your Heavenly Father. Every time you say, “yes” to God, your heart is transformed.Rather than striving, transformation is the natural result of daily embracing God’s work in your spirit, soul and body. This will become evident as the power of His truth, the law of love, and the privilege of grace flow in and through your life.Instead of feeling guilt and shame, you can enjoy the blessing of forgiveness, freedom and grace. You now have an eternal purpose, rather than a fleeting, temporary one. God has already done the work, and empowered you with His Holy Spirit.He’s provided the pathway and all you have to do is embrace what He’s doing – it’s really that simple. (©Copyright 2015 Bridget Haymond, God Fashioned Created For More)
Ask God to help you choose to live His way as you daily grow in faith and experience the process of transformation.
Pray for insight and wisdom to embrace the Holy Spirit’s work in your life so you can daily live with an eternal purpose.