Today's reading

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. –Matthew 5:4 NIV


Every Day is a Gift

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. –Matthew 5:4 NIV

The Bible says that Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3 NKJV). There is nothing we experience that He doesn’t understand. When He came to earth, He felt the pain and hurt we do. When Lazarus died, John 11:35 tells us that Jesus wept. We can identify with Jesus because deep inside our souls we know what a loss feels like when someone we love passes. When God created the world, death was never God’s plan for us. Sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden; and thus, we all will die one day. Even though we know this is a reality, we are never ready, especially when someone young passes. There are unexpected tragedies that prompt many questions with seemingly no answers. We can never understand in our humanness, but God cries with us during these times. Treasure the time God gives you with those you love. Our life is like a book—some of us are only in the first few chapters while others are living during the last few chapters. Despite the sadness death brings here on earth, let us remember that for those of us who accepted Jesus as our Savior, the moment we take our last breath here on earth, we take our first breath in Heaven. Praise God!

prayer focuses

Treasure those you know and love, and pray for them.

Make every moment of every day be lived to the fullest, never taking it for granted.


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