Make a clean break with all cutting, back biting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. –Ephesians 4:32 MSG
What happens when you forgive someone? It not only heals you, but it also heals the other person. When you show love instead of revenge and do not blame or try to get even with the other person, God intervenes. As today’s verse states, forgive and love one another through it all and trust that God is taking care of the situation. When you extend grace to another, you are following Jesus’ ways.The pain and hurt others cause us sometimes is real and great. But the pain of living with bitterness and unforgiveness can poison your soul and destroy you. When you forgive others, you are not saying what they did was okay; rather, you are releasing them to God and allowing Him to take over. Forgiveness also releases its hold on you. Proverbs 20:22 (MSG) says, “Don’t ever say, ‘I’ll get you for that!’ Wait for God; he’ll settle the score.” God’s wrath is escapable only through Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross and if we have taken refuge in the promise of forgiving others and trusting in Him.
Unforgiveness has a huge impact on us spiritually and emotionally and physically.
Remember Romans 3:23. When we forgive one another, we are showing the world how to follow Jesus as He forgives us (see Colossians 3:13).