for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. –1 Thessalonians 5:2 NIV
It’s scrawled on highway overpasses, heard from pulpits around the world, and even sung out on street corners by modern-age prophets waving hand-painted cardboard signs. For centuries, since Jesus left this earth in fact, there have been speculation and predictions about the exact time of Jesus’ return. Every generation since has believed it would be in their life time. Some look to that day with fear, others with expectation, and some with the hope today might finally be the day. What about you? Paul gives insight and simple direction.First, no one knows the day—that means no one. As believers, we have no reason to fear, but neither should we become so obsessed with His coming that we quit living in today. Jesus died for us—and we are to continue encouraging and building up one another. We are still to serve God only, wear faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of our salvation as a helmet of protection (1 Thessalonians 5:8). Finally, we are asked to respect hard work, live in peace, encourage the timid and the weak, be kind, be joyful and pray about everything.It’s true. Jesus IS coming soon! If you’re living for Him, don’t change a thing; if you’re not, change everything!
Thank God that Jesus IS coming soon!
Ask Him to help you move forward with living His way, for today, and for the day of His return!