Today's reading

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. –Job 8:7 NIV


Day 214: Momma Didn’t Raise No Fool

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. –Job 8:7 NIV

It has been said that a fool is someone who keeps repeating the same actions while expecting different results.A sweet woman once told me that she believed that as long as she blessed and sanctified her food, she could eat anything she wanted, and it wouldn’t harm her. Unfortunately, she died of a heart attack from eating too much unhealthy, fatty foods. Yes, we should thank God for our food, and yes, the Father protects us; but He also expects us to make smart choices.We’re all creatures of habit. We’ve all slid into the groove of routine that we’ve etched throughout life’s journey. Like a needle on a vinyl record, life just follows the groove. Are we living life excited about the day or just going through the motions? If we’re not enjoying our lives, maybe it’s time to do something different.Tired of carrying around anger? Let it go. Nursing a grudge from thirty years ago? Forgive. Don’t like the current results you’re getting? Determine to look at life from a fresh perspective. It’s never too late to begin again, learn from past mistakes, and forge a new path. Remember, Momma didn’t raise no fool.

prayer focuses

Pray for wisdom and a fresh, new perspective.

Dare to get out of your comfort zone and pursue God’s will, not your own.


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