Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. –Colossians 4:2 NLT
Let’s say you’re on a very long road trip in a car with very heavy traffic and your children are screaming. And there you are annoyed and definitely angry with the traffic. What do you do? Be thankful! Really? Does that sound like your normal first reaction in these situations? It can be a struggle to be thankful during hard times involving finances, traffic, children, and many other situations. Instead of letting these situations control us, let us always be thankful! According to Colossians 3:15, we are to let the peace from God RULE in our hearts and that as members of one body we are called to live in PEACE. And ALWAYS be thankful. The ideas of peace and thankfulness in this verse are important to letting God rule in our heart. When going through hard times, let us remember: God DOESN’T WANT us to be stressed. God DOESN’T WANT us to be angry. However, God DOES WANT us to pray, be thankful, and have peace. During hard times, we can think about something we do have or something that is working instead of the hard situation we are experiencing. We could literally be thankful that we’re breathing! So, the next time you’re on a road trip or going through a hard time, think about what God does and doesn’t want you to rely on. Fill your mind with peace and thankfulness!
Pray that God will bring you peace and thankfulness during the rough times.
While praying, ask God to bring to mind things for which you can be thankful.