Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. –Matthew 6:34 NIV
Has being anxious, having vain imaginations, or worrying about the future ever changed an outcome for you? Probably not. More likely, it robbed you of precious time with self-inflicted fear, scary thoughts of dreaded diagnosis, or imagined potential tragedies. Those wasted moments can never be reclaimed and do nothing to alter your circumstances.When your mind takes you to tomorrow’s burdens, gently bring your thoughts back to the moment. Today is all you have, and it comes with its own challenges. Trust God to provide everything you need at just the right time today.Exodus 16 is a beautiful picture of God’s provision for His children. When the Israelites were led out of their bondage in Egypt there was excitement, celebration, and praise for what the Lord had done. They were free. Eventually, as they always do, challenges arose and the people were quickly consumed by “should haves,” “what ifs,” and “if onlys.” They began to grumble and take matters into their own hands. God taught them a beautiful lesson in trust by providing manna (bread from heaven) each morning and quail at night. They quickly learned to take only what was required for today and trust Him for tomorrow. He never let them down, and He will do no less for you.
Thank God that He has provided everything you need—for today AND tomorrow!
Ask Him to help you keep your thoughts reigned in and to trust Him for each day’s needs.