Today's reading

But God shows us his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us –Romans 5:8 ESV


Day 323: You Are Loved

But God shows us his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us –Romans 5:8 ESV

Maybe we grew up in a home where there was anything but love, or maybe the love came with lots of conditions attached. God’s love is not like that. He offers agape (selfless, sacrificial, unconditional) love. Even in our darkest moment, no matter what we have done, there has never been even a second that God has not loved you. Let that truth soak in. He has never had a bad thought about you! It is impossible for us to love others well until we accept God’s love. Humans will let us down, but God never will. Even when His answer is no or not yet, there’s a good reason behind it, even if it may or may not be revealed to us. Our Father loves us so much that He sent His own Son, Jesus, to bear horrific suffering on the Cross. God could have stopped the suffering and death of Jesus at any moment, but He didn’t. Jesus’ suffering erases every mistake we’ve ever made!

prayer focuses

Praise God for being mindful of you and surrounding you with true love.

Thank God that His love never fails.


latest reads


Day 362: Do You Need a Counselor?


Day 357: Listening


Day 364: The Magic Visit Jesus


Day 360: Sowing the Seeds of Life!


Day 365: Let Us Rejoice!


Day 358: Ambassadors for Christ


Day 363: We’re Not Quitters

about the


Becky Schellinger

Becky is a wife,mother, and child of God. She enjoys using the gifts God has given her, especially encouraging and pointing others to God.